From Concept to Closing
Our team of experts including Architects, Interior Designers, and Construction Professionals work in collaboration to guide our clients through a thoughtful design process. It is a process that the TIPLER team has developed and refined over the past 15 years. Following initial client consultations, during which the team gets to fully understand the client’s lifestyle, preferences, and vision for their new home, the architectural and interior design team gets to work to create preliminary architectural and design concepts, which over time, through further in-depth client discussions, are refined and ultimately evolve into meticulous designs and comprehensively detailed construction drawings. The TIPLER team partners clients every step of the way, from the initial design concept to handing over the keys to their beautiful new home.
The TIPLER team often works in partnership with our clients to identify, evaluate, and assist with the procurement of a home site. An initial inspection of a potential site will determine the suitability of the site and determine if the site will fully support the client’s objectives and needs. There are many factors with a home site that can impact both the design and cost of the home. These include the shape of the site, orientation, topography, flood plain, drainage, soil conditions, location of utilities, location of any neighboring properties, and where relevant, the design guidelines set by the developer or HOA.
DESIGN — Pre-design is an information gathering phase that will be the foundation for the design phases to follow. The main goal during this phase is to learn everything possible about our clients’ personality, lifestyle, and needs.
BUILD — Observing and documenting the existing conditions of the home site. This usually entails a survey of the land to determine the property line locations and/or measurements of any existing structures. Geotechnical reports are prepared to help determine quality of soil and water table depths etc. Desktop research is also carried out to determine permitting and architectural design governance.
In this phase, with information gathered from the client, our architectural and design team begin the process of translating the program into a preliminary design. We’ll begin exploring and concepting both the floor plan and site plan. The floor plan concept will include all required space and the conceptual design and flow will be based largely by our interpretation of the way in which the client lives in and uses the space. This will help to arrive at a general design direction and give an idea of the ultimate look and feel of the project.
DESIGN — During design development, we advance the design significantly based on the floor plan and exterior concept approved in the previous phase.
BUILD — The priority of this phase is to relate all important aspects of the project based on the drawing set and design concepts to show potential contractors for preliminary cost estimating.
DESIGN — In this phase we develop the design drawings into a thorough and precise set of construction documents.
BUILD — Coordination with the structural engineers and any other needed consultant will be required once the final architectural construction drawings are complete.
The team will submit the construction drawings along with the various forms required for the permit application to the local plans reviewer, monitor the progress during the review period, and give additional information or clarifications as requested.
DESIGN — Designers will meet with the build team. Then they will review all finishes and specialty design features. This is to ensure the team has a full understanding of the project.
BUILD — The build team will focus on scheduling and purchasing all the trades that will be coming to the home throughout the process.
Upon completion of the previous steps and the client’s approval of the final design and construction budget, a pre-construction conference will be scheduled with the client and the TIPLER project team members including the Architect, Construction Manager, Designer, and Project Administrator. During this meeting the TIPLER team will present a construction schedule and will discuss and agree on communication methods, timing and generally outline to the client what they can expect during the construction of their new home. This includes being issued with a username and password for our online client portal.

Throughout construction, the TIPLER Project Administrator will be in regular contact with the client providing detailed information on progress and the overall schedule. Additionally, clients are provided with regular budget updates ensuring that we keep the project on budget and schedule. All third-party inspection reports are made available to the client and progress photographs and videos are taken on a weekly basis. The Project Administrator will also schedule client inspections and walkthroughs. All information is shared with the client via our client portal.
As construction nears completion, clients will be invited to walk their new home with our team to identify any punch out items. Upon the completion of all punch out items, a final walk of the home, and execution of the home acceptance form, the project administrator will coordinate the closing of the home with the Title Company and Lender where relevant.
Home Orientation / Warranty process
Upon closing the home, the TIPLER team will provide an in-depth introduction to all installed systems in the home including HVAC, electrical, audio visual, security, plumbing, water heaters and outdoor items such as irrigation, water harvest system and pool etc. The team will show the client how to program, operate, control, and maintain these systems. Additionally, we will provide the client with a homeowner manual including information on how to file a repair or warranty request.